Now a days our Socio –Economic status has presented the Health system as a commodity towards the public, so the relationship in between Physician and patient became like the relationship in between sellers and buyers. The Consumer Protection Act (CPA) 1986 has Separated the vell from the body of so called health care treatment (commodity). Known as Health service, Inidan rulers enacted the CPA with the help of Supreme Court in the field of Health care treatment . Our Society evaluates our life with financially. The man tot man relation established here up on the cash price also. Like other properties, the physicians of our socity also consider their knowledge as his /her personal property . Only this reason we can find the Egoism, Isolationism and the Competition to capture the market amongst the physicians. The limitless privatization of Health services and the inclusion of health care services into CPA will help to increase the rate of antipublic activities among the physicians . It will reflect upon our works also. The confilict in between registered on non- registered doctors will grow up for this. The increase in grate of privatization in health market will make the health commodities more costly than before and the Health market will get contract. So much people will compel to face the death without any treatment. Registered doctors will organized to setup their powers and leadership in the Health market. The registered doctors with government, will go against the non-registered doctors to prevent the capturing of Health market. The Government will take the upper hand to the non-registered doctors more vibrantly . We will have to raise our voice against it. Hope , we will stay as organized regarding this matter.